Hello, my name is Nikky

I am an illustrator and designer

Nice to meet you!

My name is Nikky Groenewoud and I am an illustrator and designer.
Please have a look at my work!

My work

Please have a look at some of my previous work and projects!

This is me!

As you can see in my work I love drawing characters and scenes that could belong to a story or fairytale. I have always loved reading, ever since I could hold a book in my hands, and my own drawings are usually inspired by those stories.

Besides illustration I have experience in designing and making flyers, posters and other documents.

When I work for a client, I try to fulfill the client’s wishes as best as I can while also contributing my own input to help the client even better.

I would describe myself as a calm and creative person who is involved and communicative.

Besides my work I also have other hobbies and interests. A few of these are amusement- and themeparks, reading books, music and playing Dungeons and Dragons!

Contact me

Any questions? Comments? Want to hire me?

Or find me on social media!